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Renovate Housing Street Lighting

Contract #: N62473-22-C-3002
Award Amount: $1,186,204.80
Location: MCAS Miramar San
Diego, CA
Award Date: March 17, 2022
CCD: October 9, 2022


Self-Perform: 95%
1. Install 8 traffic rated Electrical Vaults.
2. Install 20 new street light poles and light fixtures with structural concrete footings.
3. Install 2000 LF electrical conduit bank incased in concrete.
4. Install 5000 LF of electrical wire.
5. Traffic control and Phasing
6. All excavations, trenching and boring.
7. Asphalt Repair 1700 LF.
8. Provide Temporary Lighting
Subcontractor: 5%
1. C&G Engineering (Electrical Design & DOR)
2. SDSE Structural Engineering

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